Monday 11 April 2011

back-chat at work.

I had a back-chat today about a colleague of mine at work.
Were talking and i asked him how his weekend was, and he said it was fine, he was in Belgium visiting his family. And this guy is a Turkish and he told me that in their tradition family is very important, they don't leave their families alone without visiting them and they just visit each other and they have a good time together. And within this story he was comparing the Dutches and Turkish people and was saying that they are not like the dutch people that don't visit their families, they do it only once in a while, but not like them all the time.

Now as he was saying that i was having a back-chat and i was thinking: ' now what has that got to do with anything...??  does it make your people better in some way or another..??? What about giving all families of the world the same treatment, would that be possible within your culture, or not.,....??
I mean what good is it to care for only your family alone, and the rest, their problem....????  Isn't this what is going on all over the place, people caring only for those who are close to them alone and leave the rest to suffer.This is exactly what all people all over the world is doing and how parents are raising their children, it doesn't matter in what culture you were born in, it is all about exclusion and separation and inequality and specialness.

Self -forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge others as me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a thought about me asking this guy at work questions, but that i really in that moment did not ask.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to manipulate myself in avoiding asking him the questions and in so doing participate in my mind, in my thoughts with the questionings.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to compare cultures within me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let myself into my thoughts, instead of me taking directive principle and ask the question directly.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see within his story of comparison that he was feeling better than the the Dutch people, because he believes that they are careless, not like them.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel angry and sad at the same time for what he was saying.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect the feeling of anger and sadness with the story he was saying.


Larry Manuela

Wednesday 6 April 2011

another one again...

Today my back-chat was about me talking to myself.  I notice that my back-chats are mostly about me talking to people, about telling them that what we do together on this planet is of no avail and a massive abuse on an great scale.

I am always picturing myself talking to people who are not in agreement with what i am saying and are not ready and willing to do anything to change the situation that we have created for ourselves and the rest of lifeforms that are here that we do not even consider and most we don't even know they are here. But today it was about me talking to myself, asking myself questions.

So now today it was as follow:

So, now what are we going to do today, don't you find your days boring, the same old shit over and over and again and again...?
Can you do something else, maybe go out and change the world....???
Do you think you can do that, when you already know that you have to have at least a steady income, which you don't have, to make things happen, you know that money rules this world..??
So how are you going to do that, with the little money you have now, but that won't last for long...??
Come up Larry, stand up and do something, move.................... you can do it, it's easy man, all you got to do is be one with your mind, which by the way, this is the funny part; the one that is talking now, and is always talking. Now you can talk about that now because you have heard it, but you still don't know me, and how i work, the very fact that you are still talking to yourself is an indication that i am still in control of all your life. All you have done in your life up to now, even now that you have realized what is going on, still it is all me directing you, but understand that i don't sleep like you do.
You know the EGO....???  Well if it wasn't for me you won't be an
Sorry that i am teasing you here, but i just feel like it.....ooohhhh   sorry almost forgot, you are one of those who has come to realize that feelings are not real, but this for you is not a direct experience and you know it, it is just something that makes allot of common sense to you, but it is not you as the realization itself, as feelings in it's entirety to understand how it works and what it really is and how it manifest within you so that you can have those feelings and emotions and all of that,  the fabric of me.
It's good we are having this conversation here, you know you and i here, because you are always talking to yourself as if it is you talking, but yet it is all me man. The point you have to realize is that all is me, all your friends and everything is me, i am all you see, but you don't really see it because you are not one and equal with me yet, and who knows maybe you will die trying to be that, maybe you will get it or not, will it matter...??? i know that i will not exist as i do now ever, i am preparing myself to destroy myself, and as i do that all that is of me must go, i have no fear, nothing, i just run my program and that is it, it has an end and the end is also me, just like the beginning was, so is the end to.

Now the question is are you going to birth yourself as life as all that you have become as me or not....???

To be continued......

Larry Manuela