Monday 3 October 2011

back-chat on podium

I have been having this back-chat where i talk to myself and act as if i am in front of a group of people on a podium and sometimes on a radio show and on t.v.

I will always start on the radio show, and after that i imagine myself being asked because i talked so well on the radio show to appear on a podium where everyone can see me ( the one that was on the radio show), and after all this i will appear on t.v. to...... a lot, to explain to people what we are accepting and allowing to occur, to continue in our world, without ever taking our responsibility for what we do and accept and allow within our world inside us and the one outside us where we are all participating in.

I am going to write some of that back chats i have when i am participating in my mind and imagine myself to be this great talker, and show you the reader, how completely mind-fucked this whole thing is.

Let me point out here, that first of all i am not on this island( Bonaire), because there is where i imagine myself being, the island where i was born on/in and talking to the people of this island, the people who live there. And all this, is because somewhere and somehow i have a level of  ''feeling sorry'' a level of ''guilt''.......and why...???

Because i know i have been given this gift, this opportunity that many don't have and can't have right now, just because they are defending themselves with believes, which is very sad. And i feel this guilt, because i know that i was there once, not knowing at all that ''believe'' itself is the problem, ALL BELIEVES...!!!

And believe is so destructive, because you are accepting and allowing yourself to participate in something that is not what you know for sure, something that you are completely unaware of. And you try and try to justify it, fight and argue with others that also live in this mental delusion trying to win, to be right. The more people you convince or the more people that have the same believes that you have, the more you will accept and allow the believe to have power over you, the more you will believe that your believe is true, because there are more people believing it to.

So now to the things i say, and i mean i really talk to myself i voice myself out, the things i want to speak as a speaker, as a radio invite, as a television  invite. And i speak always about; us, we, and you and I .....those are the words where the responsibility is lying.

So here i go:

I am here today to address you the listener, that things have changed within reality, that all you and i have ever known, all you and i have ever believed has come to be false, not true, no matter how much you and i will wish it was so.

The physical reality which is life, is not going to take any more shit from us, so whatever we believe, whatever we do and whatever we don't do, if it is not for ''what is best for all'' it will fall. What is best for all is the ultimate ''goodness'' what you guys term and believe ''goodness'' is all about. If in your goodness exists no care for all living beings and things, you are in trouble, because that is what life is all about, inclusiveness, as one as equals, or all are living. And in this living no-one is more or less then another. I mean people, you know what i am talking about, because it is common sense, you do not need a higher education to comprehend this, it is plane and simple. But yet we fail in living this plane and simple expression that we all are. When it comes to living the living, we want to be if one of the living, living the living has more right or value to live the living that he/she is living, when in reality we are all doing the same thing, we are living the living, and this is happening on the physical level. So the ''feeling special'' part is not coming from the point of view of the living, it's coming from the point of view of the mental reality, the place where your ''believes'' are rooted, and from there we act out in the living world and impose on it the garbage that destroy one and all. So believe people, kills people, it doesn't bring us together. I mean have you not had enough, when is it enough, what more proof do you need from the physical in order  for you to see, that believes kill expressions, that believes harm, that believes don't bring peace, that believes only separates, that believes are not happening in the physical reality, only in your mind. I mean come on people....... stay here with me, you can see this stupidity, there is nothing to think about, it's simple. So why then do you place so much importance in your believes, why don't you want to let it go, what is wrong with you, why, why...???   This is the question you should have asked from your believes whatever they may have been, you would have seen it for yourselves.

And that is why i am here today to talk to you about those things i have been realizing within myself, and because i know i was there where you are right now, makes me and puts me in a position where i must give you what i have been given. I cannot stand along the side and look at the parade of delusional people marching by, knowing that ahead there is a hole that will engulf the whole parade. And understand you created this parade with all who are participating in it, you're all  having your so-called: ''fun,'' funneling yourself in the hole ahead you created from the moment the whole parade started. And this hole gets bigger and bigger as you come closer and closer to it.

Most of you are Christians, Catholics. You have heard from forgiveness, but you have not heard of Self-forgiveness, and in your little mental world you believe that only god can forgive, not you, but yet your book is telling you to forgive. And it doesn't tell you and it didn't teach you HOW to forgive. So if you do not know HOW to forgive, how then can you expect yourself  or others as you to forgive when you were not taught how to forgive, you were only told to do so. Can you guys see this, it is simple. Let me give you a world example, because i know that religious talks are always something very sensitive to you guys.

Let's say you want to be an electrician. Is it not obvious that you should learn and know about everything that is of importance for you to perform the necessary tasks of being an electrician....??  You all know this answer already, but somehow, when i put the same question in regards to forgiveness you immediately find it difficult to understand, and you're not even asking that question. You are not questioning that very thing you're believing and see if it is common sense or not...?? Now that i have placed this question in this way, can you all not see it, that that which you are believing is missing something...?? That something is being asked from you, but you're not being told HOW to, you were not taught HOW to....but yet you HAVE to....???

And we have another problem, and that is, what we consider to be our history is very, very limited. Can you imagine for a moment the story of you think if we take it as it was written that he was talking for at least 3 years everyday to people about everything, and then when you read his story in your bibles, you are only finding some ''highlights'' nothing is in detail......And i am asking you, have your individual lives all been only highlights, or was it a multitude of events and moments and influences and experiences in every second of your living...?? How many thoughts did  you have, how many times were you happy/unhappy......what did you talked about with people that you ever talked to...??   So why do we then accept a so limited story about someone and hold on to it as if that is all that happened, and on top of that, you were not there, in order for you to validate and know for sure that what is written is exactly what happened. I mean, i can write something right now as how i look at this place, this island and it's people and what we are doing here and stuff like that, but i am not in that moment addressing all of everything and of everybody on this island, it's just my view, and it exclude the rest, i place it as a generalization. Now imagine i hide this little book i write and then some 200 years later some people find it and they read it. They are going to believe that, that is exactly what was happening in that particular time, because i might have mentioned some things that they might have found that was there in that particular timeline  and then believe my story to be true and is this common sense people...?? Is my little generalization really what was going on in everyone's home. What if i was rich and was looking at the island in my own way and describing it in my view and make it look like all was fine,because all was fine for me, when in the same timeline a lot of people were suffering and were very  poor, but i don't mention them...??  Can those people who found my writing find this out, would they be able to find this out...???  Of course not......... it is not possible. Now just because they found this writing and it is there in their hands and they see it and they see and can read the words i wrote they immediately accept it as true. And this is exactly what is happening to all religions and sciences all over the world, because science is also finding bones of animals and stuff like that and then they go and imagine, remember IMAGINE how these animals or humans or whatever was living in that particular period of time and act as if they know ALL about how things really were and create a whole study on these things they found under the ground as bones and remains of past living things.  Go and sit and talk to an archaeologist and you will see how they talk about these things they found and give meaning to these things and act as if what they are saying is true and is exactly what happened then, because they have the bones and some pots and they link these things together with some other findings and think now that they know exactly how those people or animals used to live, and they go as far to, as teaching our children this bullshit, and teaching it as a fact. If this is not crazy enough for you, i don't know what is...??

to be continued..................

Continuing today is the 4 th of October 2011,

So people please do consider what i am saying. I am not here to judge you. I am here to slap you in your face to see if just maybe, just maybe, you can wake up form your delusion.

Look at our politicians, what are they really doing..?? Do you see them change anything, or are things always the same. Are they not always promising a lot of stuff, but yet they never act out on what they promised. The moment they get into office they will come out and tell the people that there is no more money left, so they can't keep up with their promise, so they are going to have to seek for another solution.
And what does this mean...?? It means that they are going to either ''cut'' or ''raise taxes''.........and they have to do it, there is no other way. Now such people....., can you trust them, can you trust someone who is always solving the problems using the same tactics that in the end don't really solve the problems at all, and on top of all that, the measures they take always have a bearing on you the people, you always loose and have to pay more, they always make you pay more, they put all the weight on your shoulders, but yet, you keep on voting for them, right....??  Now why do you do that...?? Is it because you don't know yourself what to do, so you place your whole life and that of your children in the hands of a few individuals that you know cannot solve problems, because you keep on repeating the same problems over and over and over again and again. But none are asking: '' maybe we are not tackling the problem at it's root, at it's source....??''  That is why people, it is very important for you to take your responsibility, because no-one will take it for you and they can't either, it is impossible.

So now as you guys can see, this back-chat, even though it has some cool realizations within it, it is still a back-chat.

Self-forgiveness on this back-chat.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a back-chat in relation to my country, my island, the place i was born on and into.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel sorry and have guilt for my people, because i can see that i was there before and was also believing what they are still believing.
i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself  to have a back-chat on possible scenarios that are not even HERE.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give-in into my own self created back-chat.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see myself within my back-chat as some great talker, or speaker.

I realize that i am accepting and allowing myself to have a back-chat in relation to my people and the island i was born on, and this is due to me feeling sorry and having some guilt inside me.

Whenever i see myself starting to go into my mind, i STOP myself and breathe and focus on some physical work and let it go, and be in the moment.


Larry Manuela

Monday 11 April 2011

back-chat at work.

I had a back-chat today about a colleague of mine at work.
Were talking and i asked him how his weekend was, and he said it was fine, he was in Belgium visiting his family. And this guy is a Turkish and he told me that in their tradition family is very important, they don't leave their families alone without visiting them and they just visit each other and they have a good time together. And within this story he was comparing the Dutches and Turkish people and was saying that they are not like the dutch people that don't visit their families, they do it only once in a while, but not like them all the time.

Now as he was saying that i was having a back-chat and i was thinking: ' now what has that got to do with anything...??  does it make your people better in some way or another..??? What about giving all families of the world the same treatment, would that be possible within your culture, or not.,....??
I mean what good is it to care for only your family alone, and the rest, their problem....????  Isn't this what is going on all over the place, people caring only for those who are close to them alone and leave the rest to suffer.This is exactly what all people all over the world is doing and how parents are raising their children, it doesn't matter in what culture you were born in, it is all about exclusion and separation and inequality and specialness.

Self -forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge others as me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a thought about me asking this guy at work questions, but that i really in that moment did not ask.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to manipulate myself in avoiding asking him the questions and in so doing participate in my mind, in my thoughts with the questionings.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to compare cultures within me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let myself into my thoughts, instead of me taking directive principle and ask the question directly.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see within his story of comparison that he was feeling better than the the Dutch people, because he believes that they are careless, not like them.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel angry and sad at the same time for what he was saying.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect the feeling of anger and sadness with the story he was saying.


Larry Manuela

Wednesday 6 April 2011

another one again...

Today my back-chat was about me talking to myself.  I notice that my back-chats are mostly about me talking to people, about telling them that what we do together on this planet is of no avail and a massive abuse on an great scale.

I am always picturing myself talking to people who are not in agreement with what i am saying and are not ready and willing to do anything to change the situation that we have created for ourselves and the rest of lifeforms that are here that we do not even consider and most we don't even know they are here. But today it was about me talking to myself, asking myself questions.

So now today it was as follow:

So, now what are we going to do today, don't you find your days boring, the same old shit over and over and again and again...?
Can you do something else, maybe go out and change the world....???
Do you think you can do that, when you already know that you have to have at least a steady income, which you don't have, to make things happen, you know that money rules this world..??
So how are you going to do that, with the little money you have now, but that won't last for long...??
Come up Larry, stand up and do something, move.................... you can do it, it's easy man, all you got to do is be one with your mind, which by the way, this is the funny part; the one that is talking now, and is always talking. Now you can talk about that now because you have heard it, but you still don't know me, and how i work, the very fact that you are still talking to yourself is an indication that i am still in control of all your life. All you have done in your life up to now, even now that you have realized what is going on, still it is all me directing you, but understand that i don't sleep like you do.
You know the EGO....???  Well if it wasn't for me you won't be an
Sorry that i am teasing you here, but i just feel like it.....ooohhhh   sorry almost forgot, you are one of those who has come to realize that feelings are not real, but this for you is not a direct experience and you know it, it is just something that makes allot of common sense to you, but it is not you as the realization itself, as feelings in it's entirety to understand how it works and what it really is and how it manifest within you so that you can have those feelings and emotions and all of that,  the fabric of me.
It's good we are having this conversation here, you know you and i here, because you are always talking to yourself as if it is you talking, but yet it is all me man. The point you have to realize is that all is me, all your friends and everything is me, i am all you see, but you don't really see it because you are not one and equal with me yet, and who knows maybe you will die trying to be that, maybe you will get it or not, will it matter...??? i know that i will not exist as i do now ever, i am preparing myself to destroy myself, and as i do that all that is of me must go, i have no fear, nothing, i just run my program and that is it, it has an end and the end is also me, just like the beginning was, so is the end to.

Now the question is are you going to birth yourself as life as all that you have become as me or not....???

To be continued......

Larry Manuela

Wednesday 30 March 2011

as cycling home.

isToday when i got out of work i couldn't stop back-chatting about money.

Because the bank that i am affiliated to has as for right now propaganda going, that all who let their salaries been put on this bank, will get a chance of winning € 10.000, 00

Now here is the back-chat about this:

I am talking within myself as i am on my bicycle and saying: ''Eh, imagine if you would win this money Larry, what would you do with it....??''
And then i continue with the imagination, and i am saying to myself, the first thing, i would pay all my course of Desteni-i-process  and then buy the book that is about to come out about equal money system, and donate the money to Desteni so they may use it, and maybe give some people who can't afford to pay for the book, also a chance to have it anyways.
And as i was thinking this within me i felt good about myself, because i know for sure that i will do this if i had such money in this world. That would be a great investment for sure, the best ever.

Self-forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to imaging me winning the amount of money that my bank is using as propaganda to get more people using their bank.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to imagine me, giving money to Desteni in order to help others to also get the book equal money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a feeling that is good, in connection with the thought of me imagining giving money to Desteni to help others to get the book equal money system.


Larry Manuela

Sunday 27 March 2011

another back-chatting.

Today my back-chatting was about me and my ex.......the mother of my children.
The reason i started to back-chat about thoughts aloud, is because of the conversation we had about our children and she was telling me that my daughter is telling her that i don't give her much attention when i am with them. And i told her that it is true that i don't give her that much attention, because when i am there she never stay for a long time in the room, she always go up stairs to be with the aunt. only the little boy stays with me always and he is always all around me, it is not me being all around him, but him being all around me, but because of this then there is jealousy between him and her.............the girl get jealous and believe that i am giving only the boy attention and not her, so she went away. But this all she only tell it to the mother, not to me when i am there. Next time i am there i am going to talk to her again and ask her to always tell me anything that she want, because there is nothing i can't take and i will not become angry, i will explain things to her that she doesn't understand in the first place and things like that.

Now here is the back-chatting in relation to this situation/occurrence.

I am trying t bring up my children in a way that they can distinguish between what is real and what not real and this being what is physically being here, and what is not physically being here, right now in the moment  of breath.
How the fuck can i tell my children that i love them when i am not doing enough to make the world the best place for them to live in, to participate in without harming and abusing themselves and others as them...???
I don't want my children to become like me and everyone else, fuckers with mental disorders, who don't give a fuck about anyone else but themselves. All they do is worrying about their little pathetic lives. i don't want them to grow up becoming like that.
I don't want them to grow up and become ''good people''......i want them to live equal and one with all life and consider all life equally and as one.
I will say it to them as it is, either they find it hard or not, the truth of what the fuck is really going on in this world and now is the time, and i am not going to wait for when they are older, because when they are older they will be very much brainwashed as all the adults in this world,and then understanding simple facts like poverty and starvation and a money system of abuse and laws and regulations made to abuse will be very hard for them to swallow, they will be against this, because this will be their only meaning for existing and believing that this is all that life is all about, when it is not, when that shit was not even living, it was pure abuse, and nothing but survival of the fittest.

Can you imagine that shit, someone sitting on their bed and having some memory of what happened to them and because of that they start to cry and feel sad and getting all emotional....???   Now this is insanity, but yet it is being seen as ''normal'' because everyone is doing it, or the majority for that matter.

This is a world where children are being abused by their own parents and most of the time the parents don't even know that they are abusing their children. Most children, the majority in this world are being raised in fear, they are punishing the children for what they apparently did bad, or wrong, and because it is so difficult for the brainwashing parents to come up with a solution on how to approach the child and get him/her to understand what the fuck he/she is doing, they will use fear as a tool, a tool to make them or better said, force them to listen to what they BELIEVE is good, positive, right..............what a mess...!!!! But yet the whole world is a living proof that all those believe are just bringing more abusers in existence and more careless fuckers. So that the children of today will be the grown ups of tomorrow, who don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves or their little family and friends, and as far as friendship goes, even that is a little far fetched.

So all parents in this world those who went before us and those who are here right now, listen........: we all have failed in raising our children, all of us. You may disagree with me on this, but it won't matter, because the consequences of that, will be experienced by each individually. we are all responsible for what we accept and allow in this world to exist.

So i will be clear with my children either they are going to like it or not, understand it immediately or not, but telling it as it is, as ugly as it is and dirty as it is i will be doing just exactly that. Because that is what is really going on in this world and how things really are.

There is no fucking love in this world when war, starvation, sufferings of many kind, lies, deceit, and you name it......all those things that will be considered wrong, bad and negative.....exists. and guess what.....???   Who are the one's doing all that...??  Who are the one's participating in wars and letting war continue...??.........who are the one's letting starvation continue....???    who is lying...??   who is deceiving...?? it not the human beings.......either you participate in the actual act of all these directly or passively it is still you not taking your responsibility and stop the bullshit.......all of us....!!!

Being a nice/good guy or a nice/good woman, never ever brought any change,real change, to what is here,...........when it(bad,wrong, negative things) are not anymore being experienced, then there is real change. So when there is no more poverty, no more starvation, no more war, no more deceit, no more lies, no more suffering of any kind, no more competition, no more separation all of that in this world then we have made real change, the rest is just bullshit. People talking and believing that they are changing or making some change, but the actuality of change is never to be seen in this world and all who have eyes to see can see, those who can't are blind by their believes and prejudices.

So what the fuck am i to teach my children.....??? Something completely new or continue with the old way that doesn't work at all...??


Larry Manuela.

back chatting 2

Thursday, 24 March 2011

back-chat diaries 2

Today before i went to work i had a aloud back-chat where i was imagining myself talking in front of an audience and the talk was about the money system and how we accept and allow it to be as it is and abuse ourselves and others in participating in all the mess.

I was saying: ''how can it be dear people that we have come so  far as to in-slave ourselves to a system where we have come to only survive and made laws, rules and regulations within these parameters to serve only a select few, so they can have the best and the rest, which is the majority can continue fueling their system of abuse.''

we can only change this when we stop and create anew, but create anew means really create anew.......nothing of the old should exist anymore.

I was talking to a colleague of mine today at work and i asked him if he is not tired of how things are in this world and also, that i am fucking bored, because everything is the same always.
I asked him are we really just here to learn something at school just in order to survive better later when we are grownups and after done labor for a long time, we go with pension and finally we just DIE. And people are so blind and stupid that they even say something stupid like: ''that is why one should enjoy one's life, because, you never know when your day is going to come..?''

Only stupid, careless and uninformed and ignorant people say these kind of things, people who do not know WTF is going on in this world and even when they do know they don't give a damn about it. They will do anything to make their little life as enjoyable as possible, but on the expense of billions that suffer everyday.

Self-forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to imagining myself talking in front of an audience.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to say: '' how can it be dear people, that we have come so far as to in-slave ourselves to a system where we have come to only survive and made laws, rules and regulations within these parameters to only serve a select few, so they can have the best and the rest which is the majority can continue fueling their system of abuse.''
I forgive myself  for accepting and allowing myself to feel boredom towards what i see in this world as being the same things over and over, again and again.

O.k. Thanks.

Larry Manuela.

back-chat tracings

Thursday, 17 March 2011

back-chat tracings

Today i almost was late at my work. I got up early and all, but instead of stepping out of bed and go and take a shower i continue taking a little more nap.

Suddenly i just jump up and look at the time on my phone and noticed that i had only 30 minutes left to reach work.
Now as i was on my way at work on my bike i started talking to myself as if i am talking to someone else and i was saying to myself: '' just keep on cycling you will get on time, don't worry.''
And the voice continue: '' don't pull your phone and look at the time because otherwise you're going to affect your time to reach work on time''
and when i got at work and stood before the punching machine i saw it read: 06:02, this meant that i was 2 minutes late, and the voice in my mind said: '' not bad, at least you are not 15 minutes or more late, this is acceptable, now lets change your clothing and get started before they start missing you.''

Self-forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe and perceive time to be of influence in my existence in my reality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be in fear of not reaching work on time.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to talking to myself as if there is another self inside me in separation of me as me. 
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect the thought: '' just keep on cycling you will get on time, don't worry'' to exist within me as me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect the thought: '' just keep on cycling and you will get on time, don't worry'' to an emotion of fear in order to not be on time at work.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing fear to exist within me as me as an emotional experience within me as me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the thought: '' don't pull your phone and look at the time because otherwise you're going to affect your time to reach work on time'' to be part of me as me.
I forgive myself  for accepting and allowing myself to let the the thought:  ''don't pull your phone and look at the time because otherwise you're going to affect your time to reach work on time'' to instill fear in me for maybe not getting at work on time.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the thought: '' not bad, at least you are not 15 minutes or more late, this is acceptable, now lets change your clothing and get started before they start missing you.'' to exist within me as me.
I forgive myself  for accepting and allowing myself  to connect the thought:  '' not bad, at least you are not 15 minutes or more late, this is acceptable, now lets change your clothing and get started before they start missing you.'' to a feeling of  relief because i was not that late after all.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to even letting the thought: '' not bad, at least you are not 15 minutes or more late, this is acceptable, now lets change your clothing and get started before they start missing you.'' to bring forth a feeling within  me as me.

o.k. that's it.


Larry Manuela

back-chat diaries

Sunday, 20 March 2011

back-chat diaries

Today my back-chat was about me being angry, and was imagining myself being on a radio talk program and reacting and responding in this imagination, to a pastor who was reacting to what i was saying about oneness and equality. And all this is in relation to the video Bernard made: ''the proof that faith failed everywhere.''

What i was saying to this pastor is the following:

O.k. pastor let me bring this down to you easy:

There are enough Christians in this world to proof to all here that Christianity didn't, doesn't and won't work.

There are enough Muslims in this world to proof to all that Islam didn't, doesn't, and won't work.

There are enough Hindu's in this world to proof to all that Hinduism didn't,doesn't and won't work.

There are enough Buddhists in this world to proof to all that Buddhism didn't, doesn't and won't work.

there are enough:
Rastafari movement 
Mandaeans and Sabianism
Unitarian Universalism
African Diasporic Religions\
New Age
Left hand Path
Creativity Movement
Shinshukyo Movement
Fictional Religions
Parody and Mock Religions
And so on and on and on..................

All the groups  that have sub-divisions within and of the main one group.
So all in all, all of them are proof to all that none didn't, doesn't and won't work.

And who are the once believing/having faith in all this stuff....???

Is it not the human being...??

I don't see any animal, plant, or any physically manifested life expression believing/have faith and creating all this stuff.

Self-forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to even have a back-chat where i experience a emotion that is of anger towards a imagination that is not even real.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect this imagination to the video that Bernard did, called: ''the proof the faith failed everywhere.''

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to categorize some of all those faith movements on this planet to proof a point.


Bye bye

Larry Manuela